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Wednesday 16 November 2011

Dietry Fibre: Are you made of the Good Stuff!


         High Dietary Fibre Linked to Reduced Chronic illness

Moral Fibre is one thing...but are you getting enough Dietary Fibre

Once again this last week, interesting research caught my and many other eye's...but still, almost one week later l can't quite put my finger on what makes me feel not quite right about it...though some things seem to me glaringly obvious as you will see......

" Intakes of dietary fibre, cereal fibre, and whole grains are associated with linear decreases in the risk of colorectal cancer. Evidence of an association between intake of fruit, vegetable, or legume fibre and risk of colorectal cancer was lacking. Intake of dietary fibre, particularly cereal fibre and whole grains, was associated with a small reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer "
An overall viewpoint from recent analysis highlighted in the British Medical Journal  that more or less, increased whole grains in daily diet help reduce risk and incident of colon cancer whereas fibre derived from fruit and vegetables does not have the same overall affect!
According to the research, for every10grams a day increase in Fibre, there was a 10% drop in the risk of colon cancer.
An addition of 3 servings per day, almost 90 grams of Fibre from whole grains was linked to 20% reduction in the risk of colon Cancer.
So a great golden tick for the whole grain/cereal industry.

This current work carried out by University's in London and Leeds in the Uk and Wageningen University and Research Centre in Holland, took into account research from 25 previous "observational" studys that came to the conclusion that fibre, especially from cereal fibre and Whole Grains such as "Whole Grain Breads" all of which led to increased prevention of Colon Cancer, and as highlighted by other studies, possibly beneficial in terms of reduced obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and ultimately possible mortality reduction.

But whole gains as fibre is not the magic anti cancer/anti disease bullet for many around world if we take into account that conditions associated with potential intolerances to wheat and gluten found in many whole grains breads, cereals, flours etc may hinder the use of the particular fibre source because of the problems it can cause so many.

Conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), potentially affects 10-20% of the worlds population and IBS conditions may be troubled by flour based/grain based products making the importance of other sources of fibre such as from fruits and vegetables and beans all the more important.

Yet last weeks highlighted research fails to take into account the many issues with the type of sources of fibre they concluded were most beneficial as some fibre may not benefit everyone, especially those with digestive complaints.

Nor did this study, which they and many independent experts pointed out highlight and clarify the types of fibre that should be eaten to reduce disease risk.

All Dietary Fibre is beneficial....
Some is just more or less benficial than others




There are two types of Dietry Fibre....Soluble and Insoluble, though in the field of medicine and nutrition would rather they be classified as Viscous and Fermentable to more adequately describe the "physiological effects of all the different types of fibre"...but this is yet to happen on a more prominent basis.

Soluble Fibre

Soluble Fibre is found in Oat Bran, Oats, Barley, apples, pearsgreen peas, various beans, some nuts and other fruits and vegetables such as Berries, plums, Bananas, Broccoli, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes and onions

Soluble Fibre mechanism allows it to bind to bile acids in the small intestine making them less likely to enter the body, this can reduce the absorption of dietary Cholesterol thus helping to lower Cholesterol levels in the bloods. This can Ultimately help normal Cholesterol levels, help promote weight loss, improve hypertension and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Soluble fibre may also play a part in helping normalize blood glucose levels by slowing the rate at which food leaves the stomach and delaying the absorption of glucose following a meal, being able to enhance insulin sensitivity and thus playing a preventative role against Type 2 Diabetes.

Insoluble Fibre

Insoluble Fibre is found in Whole Grain foods (wheat, oats, Brown rice, barley, maize, Buckwheat), Wheat Bran, nuts and seeds, green beans, cauliflower, courgette (Zucchini), Avocado, Bananas, flax and hemp seed.

This type of fibre is not fermentable in the large intestine and thus collects and absorbs water as it moves through the digestive tract increasing the bulk of feces, promoting bowel movement and bowel regularity that can reduce the risk of colon related problems such as Hemorrhoids and more importantly, Colon Cancer.

Best Sources of Dietary Fibre:

  • Raspberries
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Swiss Chard
  • Spinach
  • Celery
  • Cabbage
  • Green beans
  • Cranberries
  • Strawberries
  • Winter Squash
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Lentils
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Asparagus
  • Green peas
  • Whole Wheat
  • Oats
  • Brown Rice                 
**(Sources taken from World's Healthiest Foods)**

Dietary fibre has many potential great benefits for health as part of a well balanced diet, it is benefical in many forms and should be part of our every day diet, though some maybe more benefical than others and I just wish sometimes that researchers would may be explain better differences that may exist in a researched model, in this instance the difference between soluble and Insoluble fibre, and importantly, not always treat everyone the same in terms of it's benefit and effect.
 As highlighted above, with the complex world wide problem that are digestive complaints such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affecting so many people, important information as to some forms of dietary fiber being more beneficial at the expense, very markedly of others, in this instance against the effectiveness of fibre attained from Fruits and vegetables l do feel a tad frustrated when patients take such headlines literally!

But then again, that's maybe what lm here to do, for my patients and all alike!

Nutrition Advice

For more benefits of a well balanced diet, healthier lifestyle and learning about the benefits of Dietary Fiber and what sources of fiber are suitable for you and how you can incorporate it into your daily diet, come and visit me at the SoOrganic Greenwich Clinic sooner rather than later!

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