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Tuesday 23 November 2010

Food of the Week: Avocado......And no, it does not (NOT!) make a Snowball.

Avocado, a culinary delight, from the bay and cinnamon family of trees was brought over to Europe after the Spanish conquests of central and southern America, yet it took us Brits the last half a century to experience it's like, a no other it has to be said.

A rich, smooth fruit, distinctive taste and buttery texture, they are great sources of many Vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, Vitamin K, as well as Potassium, Folate and the mineral copper, as well a great source of dietary Fibre....yet to many they fear it's 30% fat content more than the many positive elements this wonder holds.

 Healthy Fat or Unhealthy fat?

30% fat this wonderful fruit maybe, but while a majority of it's calories do come from fat, almost two-thirds of the fats they contain are monounsaturated fats that are good for heart health, as found in Olive oil, so not to be sniffed at on any occasion!
As l don't count calories with my patients unless they are underweight, then neither should you....yes, YOU!

The Mediterranean diet so lauded by health experts, Nutritionist's and researchers alike, and rightly so for it's monounsaturated-fat-rich foods it promotes (all in moderation of course) will heavily feature the benefits of the green giant that is the Avocado, and it should be eaten similar (in moderation) to help promote a well balanced, healthy approach to eating.....and a very tasty one considering the fruits many wonderful uses.

1 Ripe avocado, juice of half a lime, dried or fresh chillies, a good handful of coriander, chopped fine, black pepper, dash of sea salt, mash well or blend for a few seconds. Great with slow cooked meats, fish, the list is endless, but Mexican dishes with the chillies and limes and possibly the addition of finely chopped tomatoes bring out the classic dip to it's fullest.

Slow Cooked Turkey and Avocado Salad:
With Christmas just around the corner, get into the taste of good quality turkey, slow cooked, with organic salad leaves, watercress, spinach, 1 whole ripe Avocado sliced and mixed in with the semi hot slices of Turkey, and try finishing it off with a spicy tomato and cranberry salsa, with tomatoes, fresh cranberries, coriander, red onion (diced), 2sp fresh, grated ginger, Juice of 1 whole lime, black pepper and sea salt to taste. Great at Christmas, but with the great health benefits of Turkey, a must for all year round.

Fresh Berry & Avocado smoothie:
1 Ripe Avocado, 1 large organic banana, hand full of ice, fresh frozen mixed berries, or in summer, organic or garden berries, juice of 1 pomegranate.
Blend up, smooth, drink. Great!

Is it the same as........

So the fattiest of healthiest fruit, a wonderful addition to any diet (in moderation as always) but as pointed out often has to overcome an identity crisis, not only because it's fat content causes many to run away in fear from this stunning piece of natural gold, but an identity crisis in the sense that for some people, they just get dammed right confused of what it actually is!

Hence a conversation l have had with quite a few people in the past when happily eating away on my fat filled nugget of green loveliness......which left me not knowing whether to laugh, cry, or choke on the stunning fruit l was enjoying so turn, it usually goes;
             "what's that....
             It's Avocado..
             Oh, is that the yellow drink stuff you have at Christmas with a cherry on top.....!
             No..........that's a snowball.....made from..............................ADVOCATT!"

Big Difference......

The Fruit

The Christmas Drink!



What l don't tell them is that when Dutch colonies of South America first invented the delightful Christmas drink it's main ingredient was.....yep, Avocado, that delight of our Guacamole, Summer salad's, nutritious, beautifying smoothies and even face packs......a far cry from the eventual main ingredients when developed and processed back in Europe of Eggs, sugar, cream, vanilla and Brandy!

Oh well, win some lose some.
Enjoy (in moderation) of course!

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